Thursday, September 16, 2010

And no, i'm not amirul. HAHAHA:)
i'm helping this shorty update his blog, so yeaps.
you should concentrate on your studies now and not let yourself be distracted by unnecessary stuffs.
you should smileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Okay i really really really don't know what to say and i'm supposed to post a long one!?
HelloooOOoo i'm being bullied here! HAHAHA.
shorty, you should really UPDATE your blog,
die already! decomposing. HEEHEHHE.
Amirul is short, i am taller (and this is not a fact.)
You should grow shorter so i can grow taller, :)
kay i really run out of ideas,
what we could have been, 2:39 AM.
This is my conversation with Dzulkarnain Bro(:
So, yea.
♦амíяúł♦ says: Hey bro. What you doing?Ω -She said 'show me the world inside your head'- says: Hey. Nothing Much. What bout?Ω -She said 'show me the world inside your head'- said:
♦амíяúł♦ said:
Ω -She said 'show me the world inside your head'- said:
you okay?
just broke up?
♦амíяúł♦ said:
just viewing people's fb profile
a lil
on monday):
Ω -She said 'show me the world inside your head'- says:
you okay man?♦амíяúł♦ says:
i guess
my friends asked me to be strong
i know i'm being girlish here
Ω -She said 'show me the world inside your head'- says:
just about what i am gonna to say♦амíяúł♦ says:
but hey, guys still have feelings
Ω -She said 'show me the world inside your head'- says:
Of course
people think guys are heartless
the fact is
we also have feelings thoughts and etc♦амíяúł♦ says:
well, its us who's always to be blamed
so yea
Ω -She said 'show me the world inside your head'- says:
I know, it sucks♦амíяúł♦ says:
let them think it that way
Ω -She said 'show me the world inside your head'- says:
Girls are always at fault, while guys gets the blame
most of the time ah♦амíяúł♦ says:
Its fine
we can't blame the girls for everything
Ω -She said 'show me the world inside your head'- says:
yea, i aint saying that
but its just sometimes its like that
and its fucked up
♦амíяúł♦ says:
I know, i know
I think I'm gonna post our conversation on my blog.
Ω -She said 'show me the world inside your head'- says:
no prob bro
just cheer up
i dont you to say to be strong
cause you alrd are bro
♦амíяúł♦ says:
Ω -She said 'show me the world inside your head'- says:
Np :DTnx bro, alot. And mr Daniel, i ain't posting our conversation but still, tnx for the great advices you gave. I appreciate it alot. And friends, tnx for being there for me when i'm in a situation like this. Tnx for being a great help. Yea, tnx(: .
what we could have been, 3:15 AM.

It takes only a minute
to get a crush on someone,
an hour to like someone and a day to love someone -
but takes a lifetime to forget someone
Love starts with a smile grows
with a kiss and ends with a tear.
When I Look At You My Heart Skips A Beat
But Later That Beat Could Mean
A Lifetime Of Tears Wasted
On Something I Knew I Could Never Have
You Don't Know What You Do To Me,
You Don't Have A Clue.
You Don't Know What It's
Like To Be Me Looking At You
Never be sad for what is over,
just be glad that it was once yours.
We were like Romeo and Juliet.
I thought we'd do anything for each other.
But Romeo didn't break Juliet's heart.
The part that hurts me the most,
is knowing that I once had you
and then lost you..
Trying to forget someone you love
is like trying to remember
someone you never knew.
You will never know true happiness,
until you have truly loved,
and you will never understand,
what pain really is, until you have lost it.
You walk by me everyday and say hello.
Everyday you take time out to listen to me.
You talk to me, smile at me, laugh with me, and have fun with me.
Well, I talk, smile and laugh too, but inside I'm hurting.
Deep down it hurts to be with you because I love you and you are only a friend.
While being in love there are two requirements:
heart breaking and healing.
Healing takes time.
I still run, I still swing open the door,I still think, you'll be there like before.
Doesn't everybody out there
know to never come around?
Some things a heart won't listen to,
I'm still holding out for you.
You touched my heart with a thousand pleasures and broke it into million pieces.
To live life without you is to live life without love.
One of the hardest things you'll ever have to do is stop loving someone
because they've stopped loving you.
Life is prison when you're in love alone.
The greatest distance on earth is not north and south,
it is when I am right in front of you and you do not know that I love you.
At the end of the day, whatever you call me or whatever you feel towards me, i still love you, for now.
what we could have been, 7:57 AM.
I loved you more than I have ever known
Those starry eyes
Those tender lips
You made my heart melt
Then boil into a roaring fire
I now know
What my eyes could not see
You are the only one that is for me
Many nights those tears flew
Being myself without anyone
Anyone to care about the thoughts
Looking at the sky and knowing
Many mistakes I had
Many mistakes I have had
just love you so much,
Nyimas Fithriyaani<3
what we could have been, 5:05 AM.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
its over. moving on already. (:
what we could have been, 5:58 AM.
Friday, February 12, 2010
urm...i duno wer to begin.So,here goes.gosh.b4 tat,i reali wana apologised b4 i say anythg wrong.erm..i feel reali bad treating u diz way.i shudnt hve. i am reali sory.i am wrong. And i dun mind u maki-ing me.but pls,do reply.i dun feel gud.i cant bear to watch u like diz any longer.d way u threw ur words at me in frustration d other day,it reali broke my heart.i cud hv break down on d spot,but i didnt.n it hurts me soo much to see u being frustrated,bby.i duno hw u might b feelin ryt nw.u muz hv hate me might b thinking i muz b enjoying myself no,im nt.there's juz too many problems fer me to face.and how i wish i cud confide it to u.but i juz cant.i reali wanted to tell u evrythg.let all of diz bullshit out.i juz cant. you noe wad?i dun mind u swearing at me and calls me names.go at fault.i shudnt hve done diz to u.wif my whole heart,i apologised.i missed the times we spent 2gether,d crazy bus ride home.d way i teased u n u have to giv in.i missed it.i reali do. please,juz 4giv me.let tat heavy burden in my heart be gone. ____________________________________________________________________
im staring at the glass in front of me,is it half empty?have i ruined all you've given me?i know i've been selfish.i know i've been foolish.but look through that and you will see,that i'll do better.i know, baby i can do better. if you leave me tonight,i'll wake up alone.don't tell me i will make it on my own.don't leave me tonight.this heart of stone will sink till it dies.if you leave me tonight.. [Stay close, don't go :secondhand serenade] tc bby.imy reply.i'll wait.Amirul Asyraf<3
what we could have been, 4:27 AM.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Sunday//17 January 2010
When years are passing by like days,
and in my hand your hand is placed,
a knowing smile crosses your face,
a simple touch can still make my heart race.
When I can see my soul in your eyes,
and you see your soul in mine we realize,
that a love so deep can harbor no lies,
where our only tears shed were happy tears we've cried.
I love you as much now as I ever did before,
if possible,
I may even love you more,
all starting from a feeling we did not ignore,
a feeling of connection we chose to explore.
I don't know what it is that you saw in me,
what I saw in you was the utmost happiness that can ever be,
even more so on the day when you and I became "We",
I can still smile and say with love and truth Honey,
I love you.
Happy 1 month anni, love.
you're the light to my darkness.
what we could have been, 9:25 PM.